Downsville Cob

Welcome to the Downsville Church of the Brethren BLOG site. The church is located in Downsville, MD. We are a conservative Christian community lifting up the Name of Jesus daily.

Location: Downsville, Maryland, United States

I am the Pastor of the Downsville Church of the Brethren. This BLOG was set up to allow for interchanges of views, questions, ideas or suggestions concerning the Evangelical Church. While I am a Pastor in the Church of the Brethren all faiths are welcome to join the discussions.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Without One Plea

As we begin Lent a familiar tune has been stuck in my head - Just As I Am. We need to be focusing on the fact that the LORD accepts us as is. He doesn’t expect us to beg for mercy. He accepts us “without one plea”. He paid the price in His own blood for all of our shortcomings. You know that. You have heard that all your life but have you ever put yourself in His place?

Think back to social situations in which you felt completely out of place. Some years ago we took the girls on vacation and stayed in a Bed & Breakfast in Louisiana. One of the claims for this place was that breakfast was served by candlelight using fine china. All the recipes were supposed to have come from an 1815 cookbook. The setting was beautiful and the food was wonderful. Interestingly, though, the only memory my daughters have of the experience is one of being afraid they would break a dish. They felt like they didn’t belong there.

We have all had similar experiences. The feeling that everyone is looking at you because you don’t belong here is almost overwhelming. You do not feel welcome Just As I Am. Yet, there is one place where we don’t really belong but we are welcome. There is one place where we have not earned the right to stand and be welcomed. There is one place we can never be good enough, nor smart enough, nor brave enough, nor rich or poor enough. We can’t dress well enough or talk well enough to deserve His Love. Christ accepts us in spite of what we are. He will welcome us into His Kingdom and introduce us as “heirs and co-heirs” for all to hear. No one will look down on us on that day.

What we need to focus on during Lent is the acceptance of me and you Just As I Am and quit worrying about breaking the china. It’s unbreakably held together by His Love for me and for you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wilk -- I have not been on your blog site for some months, but I was very grateful tonight to find your post about AIG and your reminder that we areloved "without one plea"-- in the words of one of my favorite hymns --regardless of our general unworthiness, which I certainly feel tonight, on the eve of Father's Day. Thank you, & God bless you and your family.

Saturday, June 20, 2009 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Wilk,

I will be in Louisiana in a week --in Lafayette, Crowley, and then Eunice. Was the bed and breakfast where you stayed anywhere around there? I would love to go see it, maybe even try to stay there.

I will watch for a response.

Saturday, June 20, 2009 10:48:00 PM  
Blogger Wilk said...

First, an apology for not responding any sooner. My eldest daughter is getting married in less than two weeks so the drama level is high.

The B&B where we stayed was in Nothern Louisiana - Natchitoches. The B&B is the Tante Huppe Inn and I highly recommend it.

Monday, August 03, 2009 5:01:00 PM  

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