Downsville Cob

Welcome to the Downsville Church of the Brethren BLOG site. The church is located in Downsville, MD. We are a conservative Christian community lifting up the Name of Jesus daily.

Location: Downsville, Maryland, United States

I am the Pastor of the Downsville Church of the Brethren. This BLOG was set up to allow for interchanges of views, questions, ideas or suggestions concerning the Evangelical Church. While I am a Pastor in the Church of the Brethren all faiths are welcome to join the discussions.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Holiday(s) Season

We are about to enter the Holiday(s) Season. It occurs to me that we might just have our holidays backward. The one true HolyDay comes after we say Thanks. This is like saying thanks before we eat instead of being thankful that we have already eaten.

The problem with the order of our holidays is that for most people they aren’t really linked. When we say grace before the Thanksgiving meal (you know, the prayer that makes all your non-churched relatives squirm) it is immediately followed by the meal. There is a true progression here leading from saying thanks to being thankful.

Isn’t this the way we should view Thanksgiving? Shouldn’t we start the season and grow in thankfulness as the day we celebrate our Savior’s birth draws closer. Thanksgiving isn’t a day that the LORD set aside. It is really a man-made, government sponsored holiday. That doesn’t mean we can’t take it and use it to the glory of God’s Son.

On Thanksgiving Day add the birth of the Savior to your list of things for which you are thankful. When the family goes around the table asking each member to tell something for which they are thankful skip the mundane (gas prices have dropped, the election is over, etc.) and go straight for the one real reason for each of us to give Thanks. “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son…”

Each day during the Advent season remember to thank God for the one present we can never deserve.


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