Downsville Cob

Welcome to the Downsville Church of the Brethren BLOG site. The church is located in Downsville, MD. We are a conservative Christian community lifting up the Name of Jesus daily.

Location: Downsville, Maryland, United States

I am the Pastor of the Downsville Church of the Brethren. This BLOG was set up to allow for interchanges of views, questions, ideas or suggestions concerning the Evangelical Church. While I am a Pastor in the Church of the Brethren all faiths are welcome to join the discussions.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Years Resolutions

1 Corinthians 9:24–25 [24] Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such as way as to get the prize. [25] Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

Once again we reach the time of year in which New Year’s Resolutions are a hot topic. We all know the usual list – lose weight, make money, get plastic surgery instead of losing weight, cheat someone out of money instead of earning it. Yes, I know the last two sound a bit dramatic but this is the level of thought we see in our culture these days. Many in our nation are seeking the “crown that will not last” because it is the easiest one to find. Their resolutions for the new year are not going to be very challenging.

We Christians face 2008 with the need to resolve to seek the “crown that will last forever” for everyone in our families and circle of contacts in this world. We Christians face 2008 with the need to become involved in the activities of Christ in this world. Presidential contender, Mike Huckabee, has had to defend a statement he made years ago in which he called upon us all to take this nation back for Christ. He has not backed down from that statement. That is the “crown that will last forever” yet the press rails against such open allegiance to Christ. Let’s resolve to take this nation back for Christ!!

In the upcoming election year let us remember that we are here to give our endorsement TO the Creator of the Universe. We are here to proclaim the "name above all names". We are here to take this world - not just this nation - back for Christ!

We have to resolve to run the race – whether it be at home, in church, at the store, or in the political arena – as if we want to win that eternal crown. The crown was paid for in advance. Our Salvation was paid for in advance. Remember to be resolute in picking up your prize!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wilk,

What would it mean to take the world, or the nation, back for Christ? Would it mean world peace? Universal salvation? Could it mean a reconciliation of Christianity with other ancient cultures (e.g. Hindu) that worship the divine in their own distinct way?

"The Lord works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform." That is what I believe.

Monday, April 07, 2008 5:48:00 PM  
Blogger Wilk said...

Sorry about the delay. I have been on vacation with limited access to computer time.

Obviously we are never going to win the entire world back for Christ. The scriptures tell us that much.

Would it mean world peace? It would mean a step toward world peace. We know from Revelation that world peace will not be attainable until Christ Himself rules on earth. In the meantime we can attempt to reach many who fail to understand Christ's message of Salvation. John 3:17 tells us that His mission is not to condemn but to SAVE.

Universal salvation? This is already offered through the atoning death of our Savior. All the world needs to do is to accept it. So, yes, winning the world for Christ offers the opportunity to have universal salvation.

Could it mean a reconciliation of Christianity with other ancient cultures...? In my understanding of the scriptures ("No one comes to the Father except through me.") it is the other cultures and religions that need to reconcile themselves to the truth. This is a message that our current culture does not want to hear. The concept of inclusiveness is not included in the scriptures. Yes, God wants all of us to believe and proclaim (Romans 10:9) but it cannot be on our own terms. Our Salvation is on God's terms. However harsh that may seem to some the alternative is far harsher.

There is no question that the LORD works in mysterious ways but He gave us two things - His Son and His Word - by which we must live.


Friday, April 18, 2008 7:54:00 AM  

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