Passing the WORD
Do We Miss the Opportunity?
Acts 8 - Philip in Samaria and the Egyptian Eunuch
When we are offered the chance to share our faith in a traditionally hostile land like Philip in Samaria do we proudly proclaim the WORD or just wait for someone to ask?
As Chapter 8 of Acts opens we see Philip proclaiming to an audience that is listening "in one accord" Did they listen because the WORD was so compelling? Did they listen because they were seeing miraculous healings going on as Philip spoke? Were some of those there that day the same ones who believed when Jesus met the Woman at the Well (John 4)? We may not know but we do know that Philip did not wait to be asked in these scriptures.
With the Egyptian Eunuch, though, Philip did wait for an opportunity to be asked. Sometimes we have to give a hint that we want to be asked.
In both cases the result was souls won for the Kingdom. Remember the example of Philip. Speak the WORD boldly and be ready to answer the questions.
Wilkie Nunn, Pastor, Downsville Church of the Brethren
Acts 8 - Philip in Samaria and the Egyptian Eunuch
When we are offered the chance to share our faith in a traditionally hostile land like Philip in Samaria do we proudly proclaim the WORD or just wait for someone to ask?
As Chapter 8 of Acts opens we see Philip proclaiming to an audience that is listening "in one accord" Did they listen because the WORD was so compelling? Did they listen because they were seeing miraculous healings going on as Philip spoke? Were some of those there that day the same ones who believed when Jesus met the Woman at the Well (John 4)? We may not know but we do know that Philip did not wait to be asked in these scriptures.
With the Egyptian Eunuch, though, Philip did wait for an opportunity to be asked. Sometimes we have to give a hint that we want to be asked.
In both cases the result was souls won for the Kingdom. Remember the example of Philip. Speak the WORD boldly and be ready to answer the questions.
Wilkie Nunn, Pastor, Downsville Church of the Brethren
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