Really Slippery Slope
In this week's news is a report that the openly gay Episcopalean Bishop, "V. Gene Robinson, is being treated for alcoholism, a step that surprised friends and colleagues but seems unlikely to threaten his position in the church." [Quote is from the Chicago Tribune].
Not surprisingly the church leadership that promoted this unrepentant sinner is standing behind their decision. What's next for Robinson? Is there no stopping this slide into acceptance of any and all types of sin without ever asking for repentance?
If Robinson had left his wife for another woman and was living openly with a woman who is not his wife would he have been given the opportunity to become a Bishop? We all know that the answer here is NO.
Yet, the world is trying to convince us that some forms of sexual immorality are acceptable to God. Unless every translation I consulted is wrong then God still condemns sexual immorality by everyone of us.
There is little doubt in my mind that Robinson is a man who gives in readily to the weaknesses of the flesh. He needs the guidance of the leadership of the church, not it's duplicity.
We are all tempted on a regular basis. That's what Satan does. This is especially true of those of us who stand firm in proclaiming the WORD. If we send the kind of confusing message that Robinson is sending we are bolstering the message of Satan not the WORD of God.
Wilkie Nunn, Pastor, Downsville Church of the Brethren